LIS Links Administrator


a) The nominator/nominee should be paid members of LIS Links. If he/she is not a paid member, they can get the paid membership at: 

b) S/he should be an active member of the website. 

Criteria for Selection:  LIS Links administrators are selected based on their existing contributions to the LIS Links site. It simply means that when a member is able to show his or her expertise and devotion to the LIS Links, he or she will be offered administrative privileges. This is also a precaution to avoid mishandling that may result in a major failure of the whole site.

Tenure: The tenure of the service will be for one calendar year (i.e., from January 1 to December 31). However, it may be extended based on your performance.


a) All the benefits offered to LIS Links Paid Members;

b) All the benefits offered to LIS Links Social Manager to States of India;

c) All the benefits offered to LIS Links Ambassador to States of India;

d) S/he can take part in administrative decisions on the board of LIS Links.

e) After successful completion of his or her tenure, he or she will be provided a certificate from LIS Links.

Responsibilities: LIS Links administrators have the following responsibility:

i) To check for duplication of posts, edit, and approve the discussion in the forum, job vacancies in blog posts, seminars, and conferences at events;

ii) Keeping a record of all posts at: so that later on it can be sent through email alerts, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Telegram.

iii) To post a daily alert in the Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram channels of LIS Links from the information posted at

iv) To bring out the LIS Links Weekly Digest from and to send it through email (a broadcast message).

v) To increase the membership of LIS Links by way of promoting it through email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, or word of mouth.

vi) In the event of financial hardship in the medical treatment of any library and information science professionals in India, raise money and hand over that money directly to the affected person or family members of such person.

LIS Links Present Administrators

Name: Dr. G. Stephen

Role: LIS Links Blog Administrator


Name: Dr. Kankana Baishya

Role: LIS Links Event Administrator


Name: Ms. Manmita Baishya

Role: LIS Links Blog Administrator


Name: Mr. Munesh Kumar

Role: LIS Links Forum Administrator


Name: Mr. Shiva Kanakala

Role: LIS Links Blog Administrator
