
7.1 Advertisement: LIS Links opens up a great opportunity to market products, services to the Librarians. Advertising your product / services over “LIS Links” will definitely gets the eyesight of maximum number of Indian Library and Information Science professionals. Advertisements are open for publishers / distributors / vendors of books (also e-book / databases) authors of books, and library related software, and furniture. You can submit the advertisement in the form of a Text, JPG (picture) file, GIF animation or other flash programs, and can really flex your creative muscles to get people’s attention. You may also insert a tracking code to monitor the performance of your ad and we welcome it. You will indeed be wondered to see the result.

7.2 Advertising Rules
a) Advertising on “LIS Links” will be for library related content only;
b) All material and their advertisements must demonstrate respect to the audience and be safe for work. No offensive material will be tolerated;
c) Parties interested in advertising will be put into a cue, the top one of whom will be displayed on the site;
d) We reserve the right to refuse advertising to anyone for any reason at any time;
e) Advertising must be approved of and paid for in advance.
f) Once payment for advertisement is made it will not be returned in any case.

7.3 Advertisement Types and their Rates: Following are the rate for advertisement and their location in the site for a single month.

a) Platinum Sponsors: Rs. 10,000/- per month. It includes

i) Banner ads with 979 X 90 pixels on the LIS Links header - just below the navigation buttons of LIS Links website with hyperlinks to the sponsors’ website for the entire duration of sponsorship. You can expect a minimum of 1 lakh pageviews and 400 hits in a month from this ad space.

ii) One time bulk email message in a month during the sponsorship period with a text limit of 30 words (150 characters) under our Email broadcast. This email is sent to 28 thousand Library and Information Science professionals who are members of the LIS Links site. You can expect a minimum of 10 thousand views and 2 thousand hits from this ad space.

iii) One time message on the LIS Links Facebook page, which has 10 thousand followers with a text limit of 30 words (150 characters). You can expect a minimum of 5 thousand views and 1 thousand hits from this ad space.

iv) One time telegram message with a text limit of 30 words (150 characters) on the LIS Links telegram channel, which has 3 thousand members. You can expect a minimum of 100 hits from this ad space.

b) Diamond Sponsors: Rs. 7,000/- per month. It includes

i) Banner Ads in the Left Hand Sidebar- just below Sign In / Sign Up buttons of Width 300 X 300 Pixel. You can expect a minimum of 250 hits in a month from this ads space.

ii) One time bulk email message with text limit of 30 words (150 characters) to the Email inbox of 29,218 LIS Links members. You can expect a minimum of 2000 hits from this ads space.

iii) One time message in the LIS Links Facebook page that has 10228 followers and LIS Links Facebook group that has 9269 members with text limit of 30 words (150 characters). You can expect a minimum of 1000 hits from this ads space.

iv) One time telegram message with text limit of 30 words (150 characters) in the LIS Links telegram channel that has 3708 members. You can expect a minimum of 100 hits from this ads space.

c) Gold Sponsors: Rs. 5,000/- per month. It includes

i) One time bulk email message with text limit of 30 words (150 characters) to the Email inbox of 29,218 LIS Links members. You can expect a minimum of 2000 hits from this ads space.

ii) One time message in the LIS Links Facebook page that has 10228 followers and LIS Links Facebook group that has 9269 members with text limit of 30 words (150 characters). You can expect a minimum of 1000 hits from this ads space.

iii) One time telegram message with text limit of 30 words (150 characters) in the LIS Links telegram channel that has 3708 members. You can expect a minimum of 100 hits from this ads space.

d) Silver Sponsors: Rs. 3,000/- per month. It includes

i) Banner Ads in the Left Hand Sidebar- just below Sign In / Sign Up buttons of Width 300 X 400 Pixel. You can expect a minimum of 250 hits in a month from this ads space.

* In case of long term (more than three months) advertising package, for customization, negotiation and other issues kindly email us at mail at lislinks dot com.

7.4 Sponsorship Options: If you like to promote any Event (seminar / conference / workshop / refresher course) related to Library and Information Science (LIS) in India, you can earn 50% discount on the above quoted rates for advertisement.

7.5 Promotion Options: If the research team members / research scholars in Library and Information Science wants to distribute the online research questionnaire / survey through LIS Links, then he/she is eligiable for 80% discount on the above quoted rates for advertisement.

For payment options kindly consult the Payment to LIS Links

1. Publishing India Group: E-598, Ground Floor, Palam Extension, Sector-7, Dwarka, (Near Ramphal Chowk), New Delhi-110077. Phone: 011-28082485; 011-47044510, 011-49075396, Email: info@publishingindia.com. Website: http://www.publishingindia.com  (Period of Sponsorship: 16th November 2017 till 15th February 2018; 1st December 2018 to 30th April, 2019); 1st November 2019 to 29th February 2020. Total Sponsorship Amount: Rs.96400 (21500+26700+16200+32000)

2. Academic Book Centre: Supplier and Retail Saler: House No. - 12, Kuhiram Path, Ambikagiri Nagar, Zoo Road, Guwahati- 781024, Assam, India. Phone: +91-98641-33913 / +91-98640-24166. Email: academic_ghy@yahoo.co.in / academicbookc@gmail.com. Total Sponsorship Amount: Rs.10000

3. Daphne Systems Private Limited: 2nd Floor, 459-Functional Industrial Estate (FIE), Patparganj, Delhi 110092, India. Phone: +91-11-43021682. Fax: +91-11-43021683. Email: info@daphnesystems.com. Website: http://www.daphnesystems.com. Total Sponsorship Amount: Rs.100000

4. DVS Publishers: HB Road, Panbazaar, Guwahati- 781001, Assam, India. Phone: +91-361-2638295. Email: dvspub@gmail.com. Website: http://dvspublishers.com. Total Sponsorship Amount: Rs.10000

5. Eastern Book House (EBH) Publishers: Opp. Panbazar Girl's H. School, M.L.N. Road, Guwahati-781001, Assam, India. Website: http://easternbookhouse.com.. Total Sponsorship Amount: Rs.9000