LIS Links Awards

Nominations are Invited for LIS Links Award - 2023

Award Categories: Nominations are invited for the LIS Links National Level Award for the following individual categories:

1. Best Librarian Award (University Level)
2. Best Librarian Award (College Level)
3. Best Librarian Award (School Level)
4. Best Teacher Award (Library and Information Science)

Nominations are also invited for the following institutional or organisational categories:
5. Best Publisher Award (Library and Information Science)

6. Best Book Supplier Award (to Libraries)

7. Best RFID Supplier Award (to Libraries)

Upcoming nomination

5. Best Book Award (Library and Information Science)

6. Best Journal Award (Published from India)

7. Best Discovery Services (to Libraries)

Criteria for Selection: The best awardees will be judged based on their social, institutional, and personal contributions towards the advancement of the profession in India and beyond.

Way of Nomination: Both self-nominations and nominations by others will be accepted for the award. The nomination can be done online by filling out a form.

Last Date of Nomination: 21/01/2024

Jury: The jury will consist of national-level experts representing all states of India; however, to ensure a non-biased selection, the name of the jury will not be made public before the selection of the awardees.

Content of the Award: The award will carry a plaque / citation, memento and a certificate.

Venue of the Award Ceremony: The awards ceremonies will be organised in line with the national-level seminars and conferences in library and information science in India, which are organised either by a national or state-level library association.

Individual Sponsors: Coming soon

Institutional Sponsors:

Publishing India Group

Address: E-598, Ground Floor, Palam Extension, Near Ramphal chowk, Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077

Phone: 011-28082485/47044510, +919899775880; +919212715375



LIS Links Awards

LIS Links have the following awards

1. LIS Links Scholar Award. LIS Links ( is becoming strong and strong day by day. LIS Links becomes successful because of the growing number of people who want to help others. Most of the questions are replied and many discussion have a long and helpful conversations. LIS Links Scholar Award is all about rewarding those people who have always offered superb news (job vacancy announcements / seminar posting), tips, answered the queries of others and help the site grow. We are here to spotlight, congratulate, handshake those people through LIS Links Scholar Award. It’s a way for us, to recognize some of the most valuable, dynamic people here on LIS Links. If you've hung out on LIS Links for any amount of time, chances are you have found yourself in a great conversation or new post with one of these people.

As a small way of saying thanks for sharing their great advice and ideas, each LIS Links Scholar will be awarded with a CERTIFICATE, a MEMENTOS and thousands of virtual hugs and pats on the back.

1.1 Criteria: The criteria is in the hierarchical order. You can only move from point (a) to (d) through (b) and (c). Jumping is never allowed. Kindly note that final decision will be made based on quality content and reputation of your posted message over LIS Links.

(a) You should have More than 200 posts [number of Job Post + Forum (including replies) + Events + Photos] in between 26th February, 2008 (LIS Links was born) to till date. See your present profile page statistics HERE.

(b) Your name should appear over the Leader-board's top three member in any particular Month. HERE is the list of existing top members. To appear over the list, you should periodically post messages over LIS Links, without any major gap; should be first to post any major announcements that will influence our field, your post should be liked, and shared (over Google Plus, Twitter, etc) by others, and so on.

(c) You should be a Featured Members (LIS Links Star). The List of present featured members can be seen HERE, and their star ratings can be seen while viewing their profile photo. If you cross point (a) and (b), it will hardly take a week to cross the point (c).

(d) You should have well formatted quality content that receive substantial amount of traffic. To attain more traffic you are encouraged to publicize your post over other platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc). We used to measure the traffic through Google Analytics and Ning's default Pageviews tab.

1.2 LIS Links Scholar Awardees: The LIS Links Scholars are mentioned below. You are encouraged to see all LIS Links Scholar Awardees HERE.

2010: Gireesh Kumar T K.

2011: Kamaljeet Kaur

2012: Siddhartha Shankar Ray

2013: Ravi Kumar

We’ll add additional people from time to time to this roster of LIS Links Scholar Award, so if you are one of the professionals who pitch in and help around here a lot, you might be next.

2 India's Best Institutional Repository Award: LIS Links through its sister project Open Access Journals Search Engine ( awards the India's Best Institutional Repository Award. The award will include a CERTIFICATE and a MEMENTOS.

2.1 Criteria: We invite nomination from the Indian Institutional Repositories (IR) who fulfills all of the following criteria

a) The IR should be available over Web (Internet)

b) Should have a minimum of 50 publications.

c) Should have a minimum of 10 author's contribution.

d) Should be at least one month old.

2.3 India's Best Institutional Repository Awardees

2012: Institutional Repository of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (ePrints@CMFRI) (

3. Cash Prize of Rs. 500 for Posting Jobs: LIS Links going to award Rs. 500/ through internet banking account once in a month to the user who publish the highest number of original and qualify job posts (not duplicate posts or posts already published in LIS Links website) in the LIS Links website in that particular month. A certificate will be given to those who able to post highest number of posts continuously for three months. 

There may be instances, when you have post something in LIS Links but it was not approved in the LIS Links website. This may occur when another user have posted the same information just a few minutes or hour before you have posted the information. As an administrator, we will only approve the posts, which is posted first in the LIS Links, all other subsequent or duplicate post will be deleted.

3.1 Criteria

a) The person should post a minimum of 5 posts in that particular month.

b) The post should include the advertisement date, last date of application, source of origin of the advertisement or website address where the original advertisement can be found or directly upload the original advertisement in the LIS Links website itself.

3.2 Cash Prize of Rs. 500 for Posting Jobs Awardees

December, 2018: Amit Verma

January, 2019: Shiva Kanakala

4. Cash Prize of Rs. 500 for Posting Events: LIS Links going to award Rs. 500/ through internet banking account once in a month to the user who publish the highest number of original and qualify events (Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Training) posts (not duplicate posts or posts already published in LIS Links website) in the LIS Links website in that particular month. A certificate will be given to those who able to post highest number of posts continuously for three months. 

There may be instances, when you have post something in LIS Links but it was not approved in the LIS Links website. This may occur when another user have posted the same information just a few minutes or hour before you have posted the information. As an administrator, we will only approve the posts, which is posted first in the LIS Links, all other subsequent or duplicate post will be deleted.

4.1 Criteria

a) The person should post a minimum of 5 posts in that particular month.

b) The post should include all the fields which are there in the event sub-module of LIS Links website.

5. Cash Prize of Rs. 500 for Posting News: LIS Links going to award Rs. 500/ through internet banking account once in a month to the user who publish the highest number of original and qualify (not duplicate posts or posts already published in LIS Links website) news related to the Library and Information Science in India  in the LIS Links website in that particular month. A certificate will be given to those who able to post highest number of posts continuously for three months. 

There may be instances, when you have post something in LIS Links but it was not approved in the LIS Links website. This may occur when another user have posted the same information just a few minutes or hour before you have posted the information. As an administrator, we will only approve the posts, which is posted first in the LIS Links, all other subsequent or duplicate post will be deleted.

4.1 Criteria

a) The person should post a minimum of 5 posts in that particular month.

b) The post should include the source of the news item.

LIS Links Grants

LIS Links Grants is a programme where non-profits Library and Information Science related organizations in India can avail some free facilities from LIS Links.

Grants Details: LIS Links is committed to supporting non-profit partners with the following services for one year. The future renewal of the grants may be done based on the successful achievements of the organization in promoting the Library and Information Science.

a) Custom Domain for organizations

b) Web Hosting

c) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

d) Advertising through LIS Links

e) Promotion Through LIS Links Facebook and Twitter Account.

f) Carrying out membership drive.

Who is eligible for this program?

a) Library and Information Science related organizations from India.

b) The organizations should have a minimum of 100 members.

c) Successful achievements of the organization in promoting the Library and Information Science among the masses.

How Can I Apply?

Kindly write an email to with the following information attached

a) About the Organization

b) Constitution

c) Executive Committee

d) List of Members

e) Membership Form

f) Activities (Seminar/Conference/Workshop organized and others)

g) Any other relevant document.

Recipients of LIS Links Grants

a) Assam Library Association: for 26/4/2013 to 25/4/2015.

b) Library and Information Science Professionals’ Association: for 14/7/2014 to 13/7/2015.

Disclaimer: LIS Links reserves the right to grant or deny an organization's application at any time, for any reason. Selections and renewal of the grants are made at LIS Links sole discretion, and are not subject to external review. In case of non-renewals of the grants, all your data and information will be returned back to you through Email/CD/DVD.